The Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 The Day The United States Was Given To The Globalist Bankers


On December 23, 1913 President Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act, in reality the president handed our sovereignty as free people to those we know today as the Globalists. There is a famous quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild ” Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” that he did not say, though this saying fits perfectly in truth. The Federal Reserve Act was not born in the halls of congress. It was a plot devised by then Senator Nelson W. Aldrich who chaired the US Senate Finance Committee and whose daughter Abby was married to John D. Rockefeller Jr. Aldrich’s son Winthrop became president of Chase National Bank. Grandson Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller served as Governor of New York and Vice President under Gerald Ford. Great grandson John D. Rockefeller IV is a long serving US Senator from West Virginia.
Others who attended what was called a duck hunting trip on Jekyll Island, Georgia for 10 days in November of 1910 A. Piatt Andrew the son of a banker who held a PhD from Harvard and former director of the US Mint was appointed by then President Taft as assistant secretary of the Treasury Department. Frank Vanderlip who was formally assistant secretary of Treasury himself and at the time of this meeting he was President of the National City Bank, known today as Citi Bank. Paul Warburg a German citizen at the time of this meeting( he would attain US citizenship the following year, 1911). Warburg was also director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) from 1921-32. Warburg was a member of the German banking Warburg family. Henry Davison a partner at JP Morgan and close associate of Aldrich was the final player in the big banking takeover of the US. 
These five men (The Gang of Five) who were directly or indirectly members of Americas Elite class, Warburg was both American and European Elite. Aldrich and Davison had gone to Europe prior to the Jekyll Island meeting to meet with European Bankers and Central Bankers, namely the Rothschilds. After these meetings the plans were in hand, however this plan was going to be a hard sell in congress. It took 3 years for Aldrich and others in congress to get the Federal Reserve Act onto President Woodrow Wilson’s desk to be signed into law. It has been said that President Wilson regretted his involvement in signing this Act. He was well aware of what it really was and what it meant to America’s future. The Global Elite would forever be in control of not only Europe but the United States as well. 
Aldrich and his gang of five sold the creation of a privately controlled central banking system as a way to avoid another financial crisis like the Panic of 1907. A year when the Stock Market fell 50% and caused a run on banks that could not cover their deposits. Many banks went into bankruptcy. JP Morgan got together with other large Bankers and devised a plan to end the panic by using their own wealth to shore up the difference between what the deposit ledgers said and what was actually in the banks possession. (I am purposely avoiding banking terminology so that I can explain this better.)
Banking is in all sense of the word a scam. Devised by the rich to take your money. Basically you give your money to the bank, they in turn loan your money to those they deem the most able to pay it back with interest. These are generally those who don’t need the money in reality. Our system today is built on debt. The banks are involved in almost every transaction you make. Those credit cards and debit cards you use today are only ways of the banks to become involved in every purchase you make. Your groceries, gas for your car? If you used that convenient piece of plastic, the bank made a percentage on the sale that varies between 2.5% to 8.5%. You buy a house? Well you will pay the bank around 250-300% more than the price was as the interest over 20-30 years. A car, refrigerator or that trip to Disney World, all profited by the banker. 
Once created the Federal Reserve or Fed took over the banking regulatory duties from the US government. Basically a private business that regulates itself. The fed has never been audited in its 104 year history. It controls the economy by interest rate adjustments of lowering the cost of loans to stimulate and raising the interest rates in order to slow the economy. Various situations influence national economies, from the mid 1700’s to about 1860’s agriculture was 2nd only to war. With the Industrial Revolution came different and more complex banking. GDP and employment were factored in. Recessions were always in play as any one miss step man made or otherwise could cause panic and restrict the availability of money. Aldrich and his gang of five had claimed that by creating a privately owned and operated central bank (Fed) these impacts could be better handled. 
The Great Depression of 1929-39 cause has been debated since it happened. The Stock Market crashed as investors suddenly began a sell off of their assets. Production fell and unemployment rose into the millions. Smaller banks were again forced out of business as they ran out of money. The Fed tightened the availability of money and in many ways stood down as the country and world came to a standstill. Many today mistakenly believe that FDR brought us out of this depression with the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act of 1933 that created the Works Progress Administration (WPA) one of many such programs where the government not private industry borrowed from the Fed. The Social Security Act of 1935 was another government program devised to create a trust fund for old age and disabled Americans. This money collected from employee and employer equally is held by the private Fed bankers. Remember the Fed has never been audited.
Once war broke out in Europe and Asia the central banks of Europe and our Fed loaned massive amounts of money to all sides of the conflict. Something banks have done since they began. War is the most profitable way that banks can make money. Economies grow quickly as war materials are sought. From resources to boots industrial production grows. The Bankers become the most powerful men and women throughout the capitals of the world. In essence they already are under the Centralized Banking System. The Great Depression ended due to World War II, not because of government intervention in the economy. Every aspect of life is controlled by Bankers and these are the true rulers behind the curtain. They are the Wizards of OZ manipulating every move that governments make.
Centralized banking as with the creation of our Fed has been linked worldwide since its beginning as these Bankers would communicate often and attempt to make decisions together. The creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in July of 1944 was when Bankers began the process of uniting formally as one coherent entity. The goal of course is a One World Banking System controlled by these private bankers who have control of the worlds economy. It is not too difficult to figure out the ultimate goal here. One Banking System, One Economy, One Currency, One World Globalist Government. Or the New World Order.
All paths lead back to Germany and the Jewish Bankers of the Rothschild’s family. It would take a book to explain the connections between the Elites of Europe and those within America. Most all run back through marriage or business partnerships to the Rothschilds and other European Elite. Many Jewish people in Europe changed their names so as to go undetected as throughout history the Jews of Europe were targeted. Paul Warburg one of Aldrich’s gang of five was of Germanic Jewish decent. Otto Warburg was President of the World Zionist Organisation from 1911-1921. The Rothschild’s have control or influence over almost every Central Bank world wide. The Bank of England is the Rothschild’s main bank and where the worlds economy is run from. Despite the belief that governments run nations it is the Bankers and Industrialists that really rule. 
When you realize that Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan did not have Central Private Banks you may understand the real reason they were targeted. Only three countries today do not have privately held central banks. North Korea, Iran and Cuba. All three are targeted for overthrow of their regimes either today or in the near future. Two are Communist Dictatorships and Iran is an Islamic Republic but Shiite Muslim not Sunni who dominate the Muslim religion. Once you understand that the Fed runs the United States and not the government you will realize that you are nothing more than slaves.   Your money isn’t even real its not with the paper its printed on. The plastic RFID chipped plastic cards are just their way of making you believe in their fairy tale about the Land of Oz. 

Clinton’s DNC Starts in Philly Amid Turmoil in Party and Around the World

As the Democrats claimed that the Republican National Convention was focused on fear, they promised nothing but laughter and good times at their own. How they will pull this off will be a mystery as the Obama/Clinton legacy erupts all around the world and within the Democratic Party.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign after the convention and not attend due to emails that surfaced from WikiLeaks. Others may follow as touchy statements about religion came into play concerning Bernie Sanders. Corruption within the primary was revealed as the party leadership were manipulating the process to ensure a Clinton victory. The Democrats are claiming it was Russian agent hackers in an attempt to distract voters from their own misdeeds. 
Another 12 people were injured in Ansbach Germany when a Syrian migrant blew himself up while carrying a bomb in his rucksack near a music festival. This comes on the heals of the 9 dead and 10 wounded days before by an Iranian born man in Munich. 
Then again in Iraq another suicide attack kills 21 and injures 32 in khalis. More are possibly injured and killed as this is just being reported. This follows the 15 killed in Baghdad the day before. These are all ISIS connected as they are increasing their terror attacks world wide. Its called “Radical Islamic Terrorism” and yet the Democrats want you to believe it doesn’t exist. 
The Russian Air force bombed the small Syrian village of Al Tanf recently, close to the Jordanian and Iraqi borders. The Russians were hitting ISIS targets yet American and British special forces got caught up in the bombing. The claim is that the American and British have a training base there for their moderate rebels. The question is why and how could we have a training base in the middle of ISIS held territory? And let’s not forget that it was US backed rebels who chopped the head off of a ten year old boy recently. Suspiciously the Russian bombing went without response as 2+2 are not adding up to 4 here. Who are we really training?
In Turkey NATO partner and ally President Erdagon has his people under Martial Law and issued 42 more arrest warrants for Journalist. Thousands from the military, judiciary and police have already been jailed as Erdagon tightens his control after the supposed Coup. No American response here either. Erdagon is known to want to create an Islamic state and despite his claim of wanting to keep Turkey a democracy his actions say otherwise. 
And this just breaking from Ft. Meyers Florida, two dead and 17 wounded after shooting, 3 people have been detained and police are searching for other possible suspects. 
I guess that the Democrats think all of this is just normal, “nothing to see here, move along everything is just fine.” Will the democrats still act as if nothing is wrong? People must ask themselves if they want leadership that looks the other way when things are bad? What kind of a world has Obama and Clinton created where violence and destruction is everywhere? Will they still claim Donald Trump is dangerous because he wants to fix the mess we are all in? While the ones who helped create this mess laugh and joke and deny any responsibility. 
Unemployment and underemployment is real, Radical Islamic terrorism is real. Our economy and the worlds is on the brink of collapse, Deutsche Bank the largest in Germany just closed 200 branches and is close to folding. Obama Care has caused a crisis within the insurance industry costing everyone inflated healthcare costs. The US is 19 trillion in debt and unless we change things drastically we are headed for implosion. Do not fall for the lies and deceptions from the Establishment and their false claims. “Houston! We have a problem.” 

Clinton Foundation, America For Sale

“Done deal make payment to the Clinton Foundation”

Just another Clinton family scam that financially benefits those closest to Godfather Bill and Underboss Hillary of the Arkansas Mob. The most investigated and corrupt political duo ever to hold office in the United States. The American voters continue to fall for their con games as cattle heading to slaughter. With Hillary’s latest run in now behind her it has been proven that our federal government is corrupt from top to bottom. And sadly the Clinton’s are in fact above the law, untouchables as you will. 
Their foundation home page claims to help MILLIONS of people throughout the world. Seems a bit of a stretch when you think about it. The fact is despite billions of dollars donated the claims that the foundation makes don’t quite match up. Daughter Chelsea receives $6 million a year as director and the payroll after that seems large as many are longtime Clinton aides and confidants. There is an investigation beginning now into the foundation as the email scandal revealed some oddities on donors from countries and companies that received preferential treatment by the US State Department.
The Clinton’s have provided a list of donors in a varied range format as it never seems that they are able or willing to give full and complete information on anything. A tactic they have used for years to avoid prosecution. From foreign governments to other foundations to foreign citizens to bankers and corporate backers it is easy to see that the Clinton’s have support from all over the world. The question arises, is this nothing more than a slush fund to receive favorable US government contracts or support from the Clinton Network that heads up the Democratic Party and some Republicans? 
Have we forgotten that it was the Clinton’s who left the White House in 2001 claiming they were broke from paying out so much in legal fees due to their multiple scandals at that time? What started out as a Presidential Library fund soon grew into a multibillion dollar foundation that vaulted the Clinton’s from broke to multi-millionaire’s almost overnight. For two people who never invented anything or created a company that produced anything this rags to riches story is remarkable. 
What has this Clinton Foundation done that brings in billions of dollars in donations? Empowers Girls and Women is one thing it claims. Nice to see all of those foreign governments that keep women from having little to no rights were so willing to donate for this. After all maybe it is these women that need the most empowerment. Nope not happening there. Maybe the foundation can lead by example. Oh yes daughter Chelsea is the highest paid but wait the rest of the women that work at the foundation have smaller salaries than the men in equal positions. Nope not here either. Let’s look at another foundation program.
Haitian relief after the massive earthquake of 2010. Now here we may find some good after all Hillary was Secretary of State and Bill was heading up the foundation efforts and was a special envoy to Haiti for the United Nations. Oh I see they helped 366 farmers to be evicted to create a industrial zone to give the Haitian people jobs. The plan was for 60,000 jobs. Sadly only 5,000 were created and most of those were to be minimum wage yet weren’t. Nice to see Clinton friend Warren Buffet made out though, as his Berkshire company was paid to provide trailers for the homeless Haitians. Same types of trailers that FEMA got for Katrina, formaldehyde included free of charge. Okay this too is not good, let’s try another.
The Clinton Health Access Initiative, a vaccine program in Africa. Now here we have something, wonder what made the Clinton’s think of this? Could it be that Merck Pharmaceutical donates to the foundation and in turn makes millions on the sales of vaccines? Just a coincidence right? Seems to be a pattern developing that if you donate to the foundation you can get a financial gain out of it. More of an investment than a donation from the kindness of your heart. The tax break is nice for all involved also. Let us try looking into the big donors instead of the programs.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at least 25 million, this small donation brings in a lot of connections to say the least. Monsanto and GMO food is one, the geo engineering of mosquitoes that many believe is the cause of the Zika virus outbreak in South America. Bill Gates is on record as being pro eugenics as his father was. Although he backed off of this admission recently it is doubtful this has changed. Very pro globalist.
Frank Giustra the billionaire mining financier and entertainment mogul from Canada. Close to Bill Clinton as their joint foundation donated 25 million on top of Franks 25 million. Mining has become a volatile subject as our western states have been overrun with so-called national monuments, that is land used to grant access to mining companies for the natural resources such as uranium, gold and silver. Hillary handed out many leases for this while Secretary of State. The land grabs by the federal government are in question as it has resulted in the murder of Lavoy Finicum a rancher who was trying to awaken people to this situation.
So it appears evident that when a Clinton is involved there are many shady dealings at hand. Something is bound to be behind most donations as a favor and profit is sure to follow. The stories abound about weapons agreements tied to donations, speeches on Wall Street for donations yet campaigning for the little guy. Speeches that are at pay levels that are obviously more than just a speech. Hillary claims she is for women yet takes millions from people and governments that abuse women. They claim to be friends of Black America yet signed bills into law that put more blacks into the prison system for nonviolent offences under mandatory sentencing. Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA that eliminated 60% of our industrial base and wiped out the middle class. Hillary is now claiming she is against the TPP but be assured she will back it if elected and the remaining 40% of industrial jobs will be gone. 
Well America its up to you this year, maybe just once you can trust the Clinton’s. This time she might not lie about anything after all the Clinton’s are above the law. As President she can just email our enemies direct no sense in making them have to hack the server. Why do I see Bill Clinton at the UN soon possibly the top guy there. After all that is the plan isn’t it? Bill heads the UN and Hillary is President of The North American Union, Oops USA. Did I just misspeak? Are you sure?

Donald Trump, America’s Last Hope

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has one more trick up their sleeves to end the Trump nomination in Cleveland. The rules committee will meet 6 days ahead of the convention and create the rules for nomination. Sources are leaking the possible release of all delegates from being tied to the candidates they were chosen to nominate. This will eliminate the primary votes by the people entirely. All Delegates would become Super Delegates and vote as they wish ignoring the peoples choice. This will eliminate any form of democracy left in the presidential election. The Democrats already have stolen the nomination from Bernie Sanders by a similar method. The Republican’s will nominate someone other than Trump and allow Hillary Clinton to walk into the White House.
The people of the United States need to become aware of what is going on and stop being complacent. This is no Conspiracy Theory, its the truth and your lives literally depend on it. If the nomination of Donald Trump is stolen, say goodbye to the Republic of the United States of America. You just experienced the 240th Independence Day and the last if Trump isn’t nominated and goes on to win in the general election. He is the modern day George Washington whether you believe it or not. 
He is the wealthiest person to ever run for President. He is in the Elite class but not a member of the Elitists. He sees the problems that political party’s create as they have become just what Washington had warned. Trump understands more than anyone will give him credit for. As they throw labels upon him that are not true. Twisting words and embellishing his statements. Trump has long warned of a globalist take over and this is why the Elite fear him as he will stop them in their tracks. He is our last hope and the people better wake up.
This is truly 1776 all over again. The Elite who favor globalism are out to destroy the Patriots in America that only seek to be free. As the Elite of Europe did in the 1700’s they again are doing it today. Only this time the majority of American Elite are helping and they have used the freedoms that Washington, Jefferson, Madison and the other original Patriots allowed to conquer us from within. At the same time closing the doors of freedom behind them so that they can centralize their power and avoid anyone from retaking it. Once they eliminate the Constitution as they have been doing and will move to do further its over and our Republic is finished. 
Does anyone even care any more? Or have the Global Elite dumbed us all down to the point of The Walking Dead. Zombies wandering around mindlessly being led by Sociopathic Masters that laugh and sneer in our faces without any response. 
Please someone explain to me how you can not see who the Clinton’s and Obamas really are? All they have done is lie to you and you have done nothing. The Clinton’s are outright criminals and you have the nerve to vote for these people? What does that make us when we support people like this? Exactly what they call us when they gather in luxury while you struggle to pay your bills and just plain survive. “Stupid, dumb, morons and worse.”
You better wake up and listen directly to what Trump is saying and don’t listen to the propagandist news of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, TYT, or the lies printed by your major newspapers. He is your last hope to save your country from certain death. And mark these words even if Trump becomes President the Globalist Elite will crash the economy as planned. However at least with Trump you won’t have to fear the Federal Government playing a roll in this. They will help us not help to destroy us under a Trump administration.
Take your country back from these Elitist who want to destroy you. And for a change become involved before its too late. Ask questions as to why they are manipulating the weather. Those are not contrails those are chemtrails up there. Spend a couple days looking up and you will see them. Then you will see that on a heavy chemtrail day the blue turns to a milky white in front of your eyes. What the hell are they doing and why? And for all you labeling this a conspiracy theory explain why the numbers of tornadoes has massively declined this year? Bet you didn’t know that they have been using microwaves to destroy the supercell thunderstorms that produce them? There’s your cause of drought by the way.
Vaccines upon vaccines why?  They are not making us healthier and not eliminating multiple deaths. Fact is quite the opposite despite what they tell you. That’s the problem everyone has just sat back and doesn’t question why? You have allowed the Global Elite to gain control and said or done nothing at all. They call people like me a Conspiracy Theorist so you will automatically just ignore what I and others say. So explain why there is ever increasing censorship? Why is there talk of eliminating free speech? Why are they attempting to eliminate gun ownership? Why is due process going by the wayside? Its because of those who are willing to speak out that they are doing these things.
Here is another problem we face. There are five major Banks in the US, well, one is pretty much dead in the water. There will be no “too big to fail bailout” this time as there is no way to cover this. And by the way the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that is to protect your bank accounts can’t cover them all. 
As the Elite sit around on yachts this summer and sip champagne and talk about what they will pull to destroy us further. They laugh about the rigged stock and precious metal markets that they will crash and profit from. The giants don’t go broke when this happens they do it for profit as the prices fall they pounce like lions on an injured zebra and buy at rock bottom prices. Consolidating more wealth among fewer individuals those being the super Elite. Its your investments and 401k’s that get lost. 
Another question that you must ask yourself is why is the government stockpiling food, fuel and weapons? Do they know something we don’t? You bet they do and you will be the last to know. Like, when it happens. There are 180,000 armed federal employees in the US. That’s more than in the Marine Corps. Most of your major cities police forces are being militarized and you don’t ask why? What are they planning and who will be their targets? 
Food, there is a key to all of this. Think about when you hear of a major snowstorm that is coming and how everyone runs to the grocery store. You’ve seen it and I’m sure you notice that it doesn’t take long for shelves to empty. Since the government is stocking up I believe its best that we follow suit. Buying generators won’t do much good as there is no place for most to store the fuel required to run them. Solar and wind turbines are an option here if you can afford them. But matches and lighters can be stored and at reasonable cost. 
Your precious cellphones will be useless also and the internet will be off as the power will be too. Be prepared for the worst because it is coming either way. The fight for our country and our lives will be determined on November 3rd. You can ignore what myself and others say however the Elite will crash everything down around us despite who wins. If we elect Trump we have the best shot of coming out the other end in pretty good shape as he will make sure our freedoms remain. With a Clinton presidency it will be full on destruction as we lose our liberty and suffer the effects of a Dictatorship run with Communist doctrine. We will become members of the Globalist One World Government and the decline of humanity will proceed.

Debit and Credit Cards just another Bankers Scam

    As the Federal Reserve is guiding us into a cashless society that of course will only benefit banks. They have been training the consumer for years to get used to the so called convenience of using plastic instead of cash. We have been sold another lie that this simplifies our lives and therefore we gain in the end.
    However as always the Bankers have only come up with a way to milk every penny they can out of the consumer. As your true cost of living rises and your paychecks remain the same your purchasing power declines. The Federal government is reaching 20 trillion in debt and that is your debt on top of any personal debt you may have. And who do we owe this debt to? Yes, the Bankers that keep pushing you further into debt as they of course personally profit.
    Why pieces of plastic with numbers and magnetic strips and now the RFD chips? It has allowed the Bankers to become involved and profit with every purchase you make. And once they do go cashless as they are going to. You won’t be able to buy anything without the middleman getting their percentage. Simply put its a tax that you must pay to a bank not the government without any say in the matter. Reminds me of tea and Boston somehow.
     This plastic costs the merchants and service providers fees that of course are passed along to you. Some of these fees are as follows.
    Interchange Reimbursement Fees and Assessments: Each card association (e.g. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express) has different fees. One for wholesale and one for markup. Debit Cards are regulated at a rate of $0.225 on every dollar you spend on a purchase. For every $1,000.00 you spend Visa (example) gets $22.50 right off the top from the merchants profit. Plus usually $0.10 for every transaction. Plus the cost of the other fees below. Credit Cards vary as they range from usually 2.5% to 8.5%.
   In contrast if you pay in cash the merchant gets the full $1,000.00 with no fees to them or you. Higher profit margin for merchant and lower costs to you.
    Terminal Fees: some merchants lease the terminals that you swipe your card or now they are changing to a chip reader. Ecommerce uses a different method.
    Payment Gateways: For ecommerce online businesses instead of terminals.
    PCI Fees: fees paid to Payment Card Industry for compliance and non compliance of PCI rules.
    Annual Fees: Not all companies charge this fee.
    Monthly Fees: Universal  as it covers help lines and maintenance.
    Monthly Minimum Fees: Charged when minimum transaction levels are not reached.
    Statement Fees: Printing and mailing of billing statement. Often a free option is available. Not all use it.
    IRS Report Fees: For reporting transaction information to the IRS.
    Network Fees: Charge for use of the network.
    Address Verification Service (AVS): verifies card to billing address. Used in ecommerce.
    Retrieval Request Fee: First step into the chargeback process. For customer dispute of a purchase or the cost.
    Chargeback Fee: When a sale is voided and payment returned to card used.
    Batch Fee: Merchants and Service providers usually send transactions as a batch at the close of the day. High volume businesses sometime twice a day.
    NSF Fee: Non Sufficient Funds Fee is applied when business’s lack the funds to cover merchant account expenses.
When you total all these fees and assessments it cuts into every transaction that you make. So the Banker profits not only off you directly, they also cut into the businesses profit causing prices to rise as the cost of doing business is increased by cashless transactions. Either way you pay more and not only do you have a sales tax in most cases but you also pay an unseen bank tax.
    As we move forward we do have options. For one we can stop relying on plastic and use cash when ever possible. We can’t keep handing over more power and our money to banks that only act as Vultures upon a kill. Why pay Visa and McDonalds for a Big Mac? Just pay McDonalds its time to remove these middlemen from everything we do. Or we can just give the Banks all the money and do without. Oh wait that’s what a cashless society is.
    Pol Pot created a cashless society in Cambodia. He and his Khmer Rouge murdered millions of Cambodians. Just something to ponder as to what can happen as to have freedom to spend your own money is a part of being free.
